This Page, and All Music and Video (c)
Copyright 2010 Caryn LeMur
"Hey! I see the Sample, but cannot
get it to play!"
First, if you were given a 'Warning' by your system
about 'Accepting Active-X Content", then you need
to click on the warning and "Accept" for this
website. The Samples are all in Active-X.
Most other problems are resolved when you
update your Windows Media Player. My own
update took me about 5 minutes for my home
Clink on the link below, and then look to the left
side of the website's screen. Click on "Windows
Media Player," and select an update for your
computer. Load it (I do NOT recommend Express
mode, so that you can select your own privacy
settings... but then, I'm a computer security
professional by trade.)
Then, you should be all set. Caryn
"Video is great... but too small."
When you play the video in Windows Media
Player, you can expand the video to the size of
your full screen. Look in the lower RIGHT
corner for the correct Player button to click.
'Expanding to full screen' can really help make the
video easier to see on Computers, TVs,
Flatscreens, or Projector Screens. Caryn
Problems and Solutions:
The Music of Caryn LeMur
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
"I do not like Rock or Hip Hop... but
some of my church does."
Many cultures are in a musical flux. What matters
is using tools that will assist the scriptural
teaching by 'writing' on your audience's memory
and on their heart.
Use whatever form of music helps your audience
to memorize the Word of God, to 'touch' God in
worship, and/or to be 'touched' by God.
If you are trying to reach the lost, sharing many of
these compositions help to put Christianity and
Jesus Christ in a different light - and my help
'plant seeds of faith'.
Use the music like a tool; what matters is
reaching their hearts.
'Become like a Jew to the Jews; become like a
Greek to the Greeks' and do it 'so that you might
win them all' and/or help them 'all to become
mature in Christ'.
Much love in Christ always and unconditionally;