Dear Friends: I hope you enjoy and take advantage of the FREE MUSIC and FREE MUSIC
VIDEOS that I compose and produce.
You can also find reduced versions of these on YouTube (or on a FaceBook Link taking you to YouTube).
This page has the high quality versions for you to download.
Use these videos to start a lesson, a conversation, or to assist in worship. May our Lord guide you.
"Freely you have received, so freely give."
Much love in Christ always and unconditionally; Caryn
***Introduction to the Music and Videos***
How To Use This Page:
[ It is not as hard as it appears... really <smile> ].
1. Use Good Speakers. Turn on the good
speakers to your computer (or put on your computer's
Stereo Head Phones). Much of the music uses
extreme low tones and bass ... and these will not play
on your laptop speakers.
2. Select A Sample. Click on any Sample's
control panel and click the Start Arrow.
The Samples are to the right of the Title.
The control panel is on the bottom of each
- These 'sample' windows can play all the music
video - but you can stop them at any time by
using the 'pause' control below the sample
- Again, you need the good speakers (or good
head phones) in order to gauge how the music
will sound later on your good system.
- Be willing to switch computers. One of my
computers has special software that slows the
download and ruins the experience of
watching the video. My older computer can
download these very quickly.
3. Listen For 'Resonation'. Is this the message-
in-song that 'resonates' with you or for your group?
Doesn't seem quite what you need? You can stop
the Sample at any time with the Controls (at the
bottom of the Sample) and try the next Sample.
4. Determine The Audience That You Wish
To Reach.
The Sample may resonate with you for your Youth
group, Home Bible Study or Church, Christian
Coffee House, or Worship Service. It may
resonate for the entryway as people come or
Or, maybe it resonates as a starting point for
touching base with your teenagers - download it,
and play it on your computer with the teen
watching... and then ask: "What do you think of
it?'." Just listen. You may learn much of his/her
The MP3 has no video. You may wish to use some
of the MP3's as background music to add to your
own missions slide show... or just for your own
personal player.
5. Determine The Format To Download.
MP3 is a format for music only (no video). You
want this for your speaker system at any location
(even your own MP3 personal player). These files
can download in a few seconds.
Windows Media Player (.wmv) is a format with
music and video. You want this for your TV,
Computer Screen, Wall Projector, Church Projector
as people arrive/depart, drink coffee, or sing
along. These files take seconds to a few minutes
to download.
6. Know Your LEFT Click From Your RIGHT
If you want to DOWNLOAD the file:
- Use a RIGHT click on the blue LINK below the
- Select "Save Target As".
- Then, download the file to your computer.
If you wish to hear the entire file (or view the
entire Video), then LEFT click on the blue link.
7. Download The File. Use the RIGHT click and
"Save Target As" to your portable drive (flash drive)
or computer.
8. Test The File. Test the download on your
church's / business's computer and speaker system.
Really. This does mean downloading the file to your
flash drive (those small things that look like a stick of
gum), driving to your church or business, loading the
file on the computer-on-site, and running the file
(double click on the .wmv file and it should run
Windows Media Player automatically).
9. Adjust The Volume and Brightness.
Ensure the volume of your speakers is appropriate for
your audience.Make sure the 'brightness' of the video
works for the audience (daytime viewing in a kiosk
may need more 'brightness' than nightime viewing).
10. Celebrate And Enjoy! You are done! YES!
11. Still Having Trouble? The Sample or
Download doesn't play on your computer or the
church computer? You most likely need to update
your Windows Media Player. Click here for this and
more solutions:
Much love in Christ always and unconditionally;
Caryn LeMur
(It's like the English tenses: rin, ran, and run.
I'm not Carin, I'm not Caran, but I'm the past tense: Carun.
And then, just add "leh-Muhr" and you've got it! <smile>).
(C) Copyright 2010 Caryn LeMur
The Music of Caryn LeMur
Home - Main Page
Sample Windows and Downloads:
First Corinthians 13, And A Touch Of Bass